Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Trip To Nowhere

Garden art at the antique show and flea markets

How often do you get in the car and just drive? When was the last time you took an impromptu drive alone, with friends, family or your significant other? Some of my best road trips were ones with no destination in mind. In my quest to discover new places on a budget, my guy and I do this often. Sometimes we get lucky like this past weekended when we headed toward Springfield. We ran into a lamp shop where they sell all kinds of lamps and parts. Funny thing is we had been talking about making lamps and chandeliers the week before. While in the shop we discovered that a antique fair and flea market was going on up the street. At the fair there were so many things to see, jewelry, art and antiques to search through. Then there was the kettle corn. I am always up for kettle corn! We ended the day at a restaurant in London, Ohio that has been around since the 1800's called Red Brick Tavern. They served the third best prime rib I have ever eaten and some really superb chicken livers over a bed of sautéed onions and mushrooms. Then there was last Memorial Day, where we ended up in the Buckeye Lake area. We happened across the 15 year anniversary party of The Buckeye Lake Museum. They had free food, wine and were offering  free boat tours of the lake on the Queen of the Lake. We ate, drank and listened to live music while we explored the museum. Then we took advantage of the free boat ride that was very informative and relaxing. The only thing we paid for that day was our dinner that evening and gas for our little adventure. There have been a few other trips like these and I hope for many more

A drive like this is a great way to relax as well as learn something about yourself and your loved ones. It is also a great way to explore the world around you. This coming holiday weekend or one day this summer, just jump in the car, pick a direction and go. The only planning you need is to plan to do it. Make sure you have a map of your state and a guide with information. Sometimes your internet and gps won't be available in the country towns. With a map you can figure out where you are or want to be and a guide will help you locate things to do or places to eat if you aren't comfortable speaking to the locals.

Red Brick Tavern in London, Ohio 

Until next time! Be blessed! Be free! Be Adventurous!

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