Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Cure To Boredom Part III/ Exploring My City

Exploring My City

by Kristin

Franklin Park Conservatory Butterfly Garden
I was in New York last September for Fashion Week. My partner, Christina and I were showing a portion of our Spring 2014 Global Gal Collection at an accessory showcase in the city. After the show we went to a late night diner to grab some food with a friend of Christina's who lived in New York. Christina and I were both excited about being back in the city. We were also there together for the very first time. We were discussing the things we wanted to see and do since we were finished with our work. We talked about taking a boat tour that went by Lady Liberty or getting on one of the sightseeing tour buses. We invited Christina's friend to hang out with us and he replied, ''New Yorkers don't do things like that." Christina asked him why and he replied, "We just don't", and shrugged his shoulders. Well I wondered myself why one wouldn't explore a city like that even if they had lived there forever. New York has so much to see and do.That got me thinking about my own city. While I am all over the food scene and have done a few touristy things, I realized I had not been to the State House, the Santa Maria or gone to Columbus Clippers or Columbus Crew game.  Being a crafty person, I  wondered about the Ohio Craft Museum. I love a good ghost story, so I was  interested in visiting Central Ohio Fire Museum. I ride past both of these museums often. I decided it was time for me to take some time to explore the city that I live in.  I was going to stop riding past these places  and actually go inside.  I started exploring some of the places on my hometown list this month with my eleven year old nephew. Welcome to the beginning of our Columbus adventure.

The best thing that could have happened to me this summer was being given the job of entertaining and educating my nephew. I jumped at the opportunity because I love to explore and learn new things. I love spending time with my nephew! I also had plans to take a few days to check out some places in the city on my own but now I would have company. We started our city exploration a couple weeks ago with Franklin Park Conservatory. Though I had been there many times for cocktail parties, I had not had the opportunity to visit the place as a tourist. It was even better exploring it with a young man and seeing things through his eyes. I was more excited because he was excited. I held my first butterfly and found myself more in tune with nature. 

Franklin Park is the perfect combination of natural and man made art. There are plenty of photo opportunities. We took many photos of butterflies, plant life, Chihuly pieces and the Tasha Lewis's Traveling Butterfly Swarm. Our favorite exhibit was the Blooms and Butterflies. We got to release new butterflies into the room and spent time holding them. We also really enjoyed the food at the cafe. It is made with fresh ingredients grown on the grounds when ever possible. I couldn't keep my nephew off my sandwich and it contained no meat. 

Franklin Park Conservatory

Franklin Park Conservatory Blooms and Butterflies
Butterflies breaking out of their cocoons at Franklin Park Conservatory

Franklin Park Conservatory Blooms and Butterflies, Chihuly Glass Art, Plant life in the Botanical Gardens, Food from the on site cafe

I was told I had been to the statehouse when I was younger, yet I can not recall the memory. I may not have been interested at the time so it was nothing worth remembering I guess. In this case it was safe to treat the experience like it was brand new because that is how it felt. This time I was interested and surprisingly so was my nephew. We started the guided tour in the map room, a room with a large map of Ohio on the floor containing all 88 of the state's counties. Our tour guide was an elderly woman who walked us from room to room feeding us the history of the building and the contents in it. My favorite place was the house chamber. It is such a beautiful collection of beautiful Greek and ornate details.  The place is definitely worth an hour of your time. It also doesn't hurt that it's free. Don't forget to check out the gardens and statues around the building. I loved the United States and the Ohio state flags created using flowers.

The Ohio Statehouse
The Ohio Statehouse Rotunda

The House Chamber

Greek Architectural Details in The Ohio Statehouse
The Ohio Statehouse Garden

I have passed this museum many times and didn't even realize exactly what is was. I learned of it through research and my guy who is into haunted places. This place is said to be one of the most haunted places in the city. Paranormal investigators are often known to show up to try to communicate with the ancient residents.  My nephew and I just wanted to learn a little Ohio firehouse history and brush up on our fire safety information but if we were met with a paranormal experience, well that would have been a welcomed bonus. No ghosts, but we did have a great time. There was more to do than I expected. We had a tour guide who walked us through the whole museum and demoed a few old pieces of fire equipment. My nephew also got to touch and demo a few things which included participating in a practice fire escape plan using the mock bedroom they have set up. The guide instructed him to lay in the bed as if it were his, pretend he smelled fire then get down and crawl on the floor to the door. He instructed him to feel the door with the back of his hand and if it was not hot he could open it and go outside. If it were hot there was a window to escape through. My favorite thing strange enough, was a mock burned bedroom. It showed the worst possible scenario using a kids room. Everything was charred and half melted. There was even an imprint on the bed showing where a child may have laid. This place is a little off the beaten path, so I realize not many know about it. It is worth a trip. Even I learned I was not where I needed to be on my fire safety knowledge. For those with young kids looking for a unique place to have a birthday party, they provide a great option.

The Central Ohio Fire Museum
The Hose Tower at The Central Ohio Fire Museum

A steam fire engine at The Central Ohio Fire Museum
The Burned Bedroom at The Central Ohio Fire Museum
I have many more places in the city still to visit and the rest of the summer to get it done. This is definitely a great start though. I look forward to sharing the adventures of my nephew and I as the weeks go on. This is just the first two weeks of June. Our list goes on and so shall we.

Until next time!
Be blessed! Be free! Be Adventurous!

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